Tasty and Easy Breakfast Granola
"I love sleep because it is a time machine to breakfast"
Nothing makes me more excited in the morning than the smell of fresh ground coffee and tasty breakfast cereal. Breakfast is, without a doubt, the most important meal of the day. It provides us energy to perform all kinds of chores and be active all day. Taking a start with the best and fulfilling breakfast is super important. That is where this recipe comes in handy, super easy, super crunchy, super healthy, and super fun. So, let's go and get you a jar full of happiness and texture without oil or added sugar.
Tasty and Easy Breakfast Granola
What ingredients are you going to need for this Recipe:
This dish can be made in just under 30 minutes with some easy to obtain ingredients are:
Rolled Oats
You can either keep it simple with just plain Rolled Oats or add some extra texture with Oat Bran.
Your choice of nuts and seeds
Now to add more crunch and complex taste you can add a handful of your choice nuts and seeds. I, myself, love some walnuts, cashews, flax seeds, and almonds. The more the merrier.
Pitted dates
Dates are a great way to add natural sweetness without the use of processed sugar. It also gives a chewy texture.
Cinnamon is a super awesome item and would add a unique dash of taste and flavor to your simple granola.
Tasty add ons
You can add some dried-up berries and fruits like banana crisps, goji berries, blueberries, figs, etc. These berries and fruits would add extra health benefits and color to make the granola more appealing.
Quantities Required
1 cup of Rolled Oats
2 tablespoons of oat bran (your choice to add or not).
4-5 pitted dates, you can increase or decrease the dates depending on how sweet you want your granola to be.
Some chopped dates to sprinkle on top
Half cup of Walnuts
Third quarter of Almonds and cashews
2 tablespoons of Flax seeds.
Half teaspoon of Cinnamon powder
Berries, (your choice) I just throw in a handful of my favorites. There are no restrictions.
A pinch of salt.
Easy steps to follow
Take 4-5 pitted dates and put them in lukewarm water for 10 minutes. After they are soft enough, mash them with a hand blender. The result is a smooth watery paste.
Now add and mix all your dry ingredients in a bowl and pour in the date mixture.
Preheat the oven at 325 Fahrenheit (160 degrees Celsius). Take a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and spread the mixed granola mixture evenly.
Place the baking tray with a granola bar in an oven preheated for around 15 minutes. Now to bake all the mixture evenly, keep the tray in the middle of the oven.
Take the tray out, toss and turn the granola, using a spatula and keep it again in the oven for 5 more minutes so the date juice is soaked up perfectly by the ingredients.
Take the tray out, let it cool down, and store the amazing and easy granola cereal in a jar or a box. Add some freshly chopped dates while eating the cereal.
Add some vegan-based milk to the freshly made cereal and enjoy. With sweetness, chewiness, and baked crunch, you would get good exercise for your facial muscles. So, let’s shape that jawline with a tasty and healthy breakfast.